Civic Watch / #defyhatenow présent au Forum CFI Médias & Développement
Rédigé par Tchengang Tchiengue Donald En Avril 2023, des images du Pape François se mariant, circulaient abondamment en ligne et au Cameroun certaines personnes ont cru qu’elles étaient réelles. Pourtant, […]
#AFFCameroon 8e Cohorte :Renforcer les compétences des salles de rédaction et des plateformes de Réseaux Sociaux
Trente-et-un boursiers nouvellement sélectionnés se lancent dans une formation pratique de trois mois sur la vérification de l’information, les outils de recherche avancés et les programmes d’éducation aux médias.
#AFFCameroon Cohort 8: Enhancing Responsible Newsrooms & Social Media Platforms for a #HateFreeCameroon
Thirty-one newly selected Fellows embark on a three months long hands-on on information verification, advanced search tools and Media literacy programs.
The Mirror and I by Aklile Gezahegn
You were never the words that were spoken to you
You were never the slurs that were shoved at you
You were a flower that was plucked to soon
You were that garden that filled up the whole room
Les Discours by PenBoy
The tongue has no bone
But it is the strongest, sometimes the fiercest part of a human body.
From our communities to vast facebook, twitter and instagram streets,
Our tongues sting with hate;
Unconscious, sometimes conscious
Unverified, carelessly uttered words intended to divide, hurt or kill.
#PeaceJam2023 : Le Cameroun se joint à la communauté mondiale pour célébrer la paix !
![#peacejam2023 campaign banner with text "Online safe spaces for digital security"](
Un jamboree socioculturel et artistique sur place se tiendra à Yaoundé samedi, tandis que l’ensemble de la communauté #defyhatenow convergera en ligne le 18 juin pour l’événement virtuel annuel. Le […]
#PeaceJam2023: Cameroon Joins Global Community to Jam For Peace!
![#peacejam2023 campaign banner with text "Online safe spaces for digital security"](
An onsite sociocultural and artistic jamboree to hold in Yaounde on Saturday, while the entire #defyhatenow Community will converge online on June 18 for the annual virtual event.
#AFFCameroon Cohorte 8 : La contribution du Fact-checking pour la promotion de la démocratie et la transparence au Cameroun
Par Tchengang Tchiengue Donald Dans le monde, Il est estimé à plus de 70 % des personnes disposant d’une connexion internet et utilisant au moins une fois par jour, un […]
#AFFCameroon Cohort 8: The contribution of Fact-checking to the promotion of democracy and transparency in Cameroon
By Tchengang Tchiengue Donald Worldwide, it’s estimated that more than 70% of people with an internet connection use one or more social media sites at least once a day. This […]
Official statement on the killing of the journalist & #AFFCameroon Fellow Anye Ndeh Nsoh
The #defyhatenow community is devastated by the killing of journalist Anye Ndeh Nsoh, an
#AFFCameroon (Africa Fact-checking Fellowship Cameroon) Alumnus on May7,2023 in
Bamenda; NorthWest Region, Cameroon. Anye was a cohort 7 #AFFCameroon Fellow and
a #Media4Peace relay in the NorthWest. He was shot dead by a group of separatist forces
at Che Street around 9pm.