Postulez maintenant : Cours de maître sur la vérification des faits pour les organisations de la société civile
Africa Check en collaboration avec #defyhatenow organise un masterclass de deux jours sur le fact-checking et la vérification des faits au Cameroun à l’intention les journalistes, de 9h à 16h, les 25 et […]
Sophie Ngassa on the role of women in peace processes.
As we continue to speak with women advocates in Cameroon during International Women’s Month, we spoke with Sophie Ngassa. Who is she? She is a civil engineer as well as […]
A conversation with Pedmia Shetu
The #defyhatenow Cameroon initiative caught up with Ms. Pedmia Shetu about her work, here is our conversation;
Questionnaire de #defyhatenow pour les femmes dans la construction de la paix
1) Parlez-nous de vous et de ce que vous faites dans la vie Bonjour, je suis Caroline MVENG, défenseure de droits humains et activiste féministe africaine du Cameroun Passionnée par […]
#Youth4Peace Video Challenge: Engaging Young Persons To Add Their Voices To Peace!
As part of activities celebrating the 2023 Youth Day, #defyhatenow engaged internet users to create and share video with messages of peace; three female winners emerged.
Meet Essoung N’noko Ruth Raissa our Monitoring and Evaluation Officer.
Meet Essoung N’noko Ruth Raissa, is a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer who has worked with non-governmental organizations and was able to achieve intended impact of projects/ programs by developing a […]
Engager les jeunes promoteurs de paix pour #UnCamerounSansHaine!
En février, nos priorités vont de la participation aux activités de la fête de la jeunesse à la sensibilisation des communautés à Yaoundé et Douala. cérémonie de présentation des vœux […]
Engaging Young Peacebuilders for a #HateFreeCameroon!
In February, our key focus of the month ranged from participating in Youth Day activities, to community outreach in Yaoundé and Douala. Happy New Year Mr Minister! As part of […]
Balbine MANGA on Women in Peacebuilding
#defyhatenow_Cameroon had a brief chat with Barrister Balbine MANGA on the role of women in peacebuilding, and we hope you are as smitten with her as we were. Read on….
Une conversation avec Mme Sandrine Moussima
Questionnaire de #defyhatenow pour les femmes dans la construction de la paix