
#ThinkB4UClick (Think Before You Click) is a #defyhatenow led awareness campaign that aims at creating public awareness on the dangers of misinformation, fake news and hate speech in South Sudan. In a period of one month #defyhatenow through its partners will work on educating the public on hate speech and how it can be mitigated through individual actions that aim at creating safe spaces online and offline for citizens to interact with each other and discuss matters in a healthy and informed manner.

Objective: Create public awareness on the dangers of misinformation, fake news and hate speech in South Sudan

#ThinkB4UClick Theme Song by Freeboy

Download #ThinkB4UClick radio drama and Theme Song

Listen to our audio discussions and engage on Facebook at Discuss #defyhatenow

Use our custom Facebook Profile Frame

Add the #ThinkB4UClick Facebook frame to your profile,

How to be part of the campaign

  • Share your experience and what you think about fake news and misinformation in South Sudan or elsewhere on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using the hashtags #ThinkB4UClick #DefyHateNow and #HateFreeSouthSudan
  • Add the #ThinkB4UClick Facebook frame to your profile,
  • Attend one of our events in South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya or Germany
  • Use our #defyhatenow online resources to start a conversation in your workplace, home or school
  • Listen to our audio discussions and engage on Facebook  at Discuss #defyhatenow
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