2022 Activity Overview

Despite Cameroon’s anglophone conflict, the #defyhatenow Cameroon
project reached out to communities in 2022 to educate and sensitize them
to hate speech online and offline. More than 60% of the 3,500 community
peace mobilizers, youth, and students trained directly in 2022 were women.
The initiative’s online platforms and partners reached over 600,000 people.
Peacebuilding & Social Cohesion: Imams Build Capacity for Community Outreach

Building on the success of the first training session in Bamenda, 40+ Imams from the conflict-torn North West & South West Regions of Cameroon will converge on Buea in August. […]
CAMP @18: Leveraging Effective Cross Cultural Communication in countering Hatespeech

For the third consecutive year, #defyhatenow is engaging members of the Cameroon Association of Media Professionals on fostering #Media4Peace in response to current challenges. The Cameroon Association of Media Professionals […]
Driving Community Change in Violent Environment. The Power of the Pen #PenNotGun

#defyhatenow and its partner Civic Watch are resolute in mobilising online/offline community action to jointly call for the drop of weapons (guns) and immediate end to attacks on students, teachers and school administration for a peaceful and #HateFreeCameroon.
Engager les jeunes promoteurs de paix pour #UnCamerounSansHaine!

En février, nos priorités vont de la participation aux activités de la fête de la jeunesse à la sensibilisation des communautés à Yaoundé et Douala. cérémonie de présentation des vœux […]
Engaging Young Peacebuilders for a #HateFreeCameroon!

In February, our key focus of the month ranged from participating in Youth Day activities, to community outreach in Yaoundé and Douala. Happy New Year Mr Minister! As part of […]
A conversation with Ndi Nancy Saiboh

The #defyhatenow Cameroon initiative caught up with Ms. Ndi Nancy Saiboh about her work, here is our conversation;
National Symposium: Hate speech and violence in Cameroon

The Department Of Sociology Of The University Of Yaoundé I With The Technical Support Of The Cameroon Laboratory For Research On Contemporary Societies (Ceresc) In collaboration with Civic Watch, Country Implementation partner of #defyhatenow initiative in Cameroon is organizing a NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Theme: Hate speech and violence in Cameroon: Social origins, emerging forms and possible responses. From 10-12 May 2023, The University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon.
Communiqué: Yaoundé accueille la première conférence de la Bourse pour la vérification des fait en #AFFCameroon

Plus de 100 Boursiers se joindront aux experts de renoms du 18 au 19 novembre, pour échanger sur des questions relatives à la promotion et la valorisation du factchecking au […]
Press Release: First Africa Factchecking Fellowship – #AFFCameroon Conference

Over 100 trained Fellows will join experts in Yaounde from November 18 to 19, to discussing issues relating to promoting factchecking practice in Cameroon. 115! This figure represents the number […]