The three-month program aims to provide fellows with the skills and tools to address the current challenges of misinformation in their communities.

Le programme de trois mois vise à fournir aux boursiers les compétences et les outils nécessaires pour relever les défis actuels de la désinformation dans leurs communautés.
Elections and Disinformation: #AFFCameroon Cohort 10 to champion Democracy and Transparency in Cameroon

The main objective of this 10th cohort is to improve understanding of the phenomenon of disinformation in real time, especially with the advent of artificial intelligence, in order to develop strategies to prevent people from adhering to conspiracy theories by defusing election-related fake news.
Call for Applications – 10th Cohort, AFFCameroon – Africa Fact Checking Fellowship.

#defyhatenow is launching a call for applications for the 10th cohort for the next three months of September – October – November 2024, specifically for media professionals and community leaders. The aim is to create a critical mass of fact-checkers, information warriors, online and offline hate speech and digital rights defenders.
“As we approach elections, we must fortify our defences against disinformation and influence campaigns” – Ngala Desmond Ngala, Country Project Manager #defyhatenow Cameroon

He was speaking on the sidelines of the ALL #AFFCameroon Conference on countering disinformation during election period, organised in Yaounde on March 27 & 28, 2024
Documentary: Breaking the silence

An emotional and heart-wrenching documentary, that sheds light on the harrowing experience of hate and prejudice faced by a young girl, who now resiliently braves the odds to confront the darkness of hatred after being trained in the AFF Cameroon cohort 8.

Tirer les leçons des expériences passées liées aux menaces numériques notamment la désinformation et les discours haineux qui pèsent sur les élections en Afrique et au Cameroun, afin d’élaborer des orientations stratégiques fondées sur des données probantes sur la manière de réagir plus efficacement lors des prochaines élections.
“#AFFCameroon is our contribution to deconstruct false and negative perceptions”

Donald Tchiengue, Digital Projects Coordinator of #defyhatenow, in the following interview talks about the Africa Factchecking Fellowship, its success stories and prospects.
“#AFFCameroon est notre contribution à la déconstruction des perceptions fausses et négatives”

Donald Tchiengue, Coordinateur des projets numériques de #defyhatenow, dans l’interview qui suit, parle de la bourse ‘Africa Factchecking Fellowship’, de ses réussites et de ses perspectives. Pouvez-vous présenter la bourse […]
Civic Watch / #defyhatenow présent au Forum CFI Médias & Développement

Rédigé par Tchengang Tchiengue Donald En Avril 2023, des images du Pape François se mariant, circulaient abondamment en ligne et au Cameroun certaines personnes ont cru qu’elles étaient réelles. Pourtant, […]