#AFFCameroon 8e Cohorte :Renforcer les compétences des salles de rédaction et des plateformes de Réseaux Sociaux

Trente-et-un boursiers nouvellement sélectionnés se lancent dans une formation pratique de trois mois sur la vérification de l’information, les outils de recherche avancés et les programmes d’éducation aux médias.
#AFFCameroon Cohort 8: Enhancing Responsible Newsrooms & Social Media Platforms for a #HateFreeCameroon

Thirty-one newly selected Fellows embark on a three months long hands-on on information verification, advanced search tools and Media literacy programs.
Official statement on the killing of the journalist & #AFFCameroon Fellow Anye Ndeh Nsoh

The #defyhatenow community is devastated by the killing of journalist Anye Ndeh Nsoh, an
#AFFCameroon (Africa Fact-checking Fellowship Cameroon) Alumnus on May7,2023 in
Bamenda; NorthWest Region, Cameroon. Anye was a cohort 7 #AFFCameroon Fellow and
a #Media4Peace relay in the NorthWest. He was shot dead by a group of separatist forces
at Che Street around 9pm.
#AFFCameroon Welcomes 40 New Fellows!

Cohort 7 of our quarterly Africa Factchecking Fellowship groups journalists, bloggers and youth leaders based in the North West & South West Regions of Cameroon. CONTEXT & JUSTIFICATION For the […]
AFFCameroon : Le factchecking en orbite au Grand Nord Cameroun

AFFCameroon cohorte 6, « Special Grand Nord » Trois est le chiffre clé quand il s’agit de la 6e cohorte de la bourse de la vérification des faits en Afrique […]
#AFFCameroon Cohort 6 Grand Nord Speciale phase 2

#defyhatenow is changing the narrative and gaining new grounds in her fight against the spread of false information and all forms of violence through the Africa Fact-checking Fellowship (AFF) Cameroon […]
#AFFCameroon: #defyhatenow Takes Anti Mis/disinformation Caravan To Northern Regions!

The sixth Cohort of our Africa Fact-checking Fellowship dubbed “Special Grand Nord” groups 15 fellows selected Fellows from Ngaoundere, Garoua & Maroua. 75! This is not an anniversary figure. Rather, […]
#AFFCameroon: #defyhatenow accueille la 6e Cohorte de la Bourse pour la vérification des faits en Afrique !

Pour la sixième cohorte baptisée “Spécial Grand Nord”, 15 boursiers issus à Ngaoundéré, Garoua & Maroua chemineront pendant les trois prochains mois. 75 ! Il ne s’agit pas d’un chiffre […]