The Mirror and I by Aklile Gezahegn
You were never the words that were spoken to you
You were never the slurs that were shoved at you
You were a flower that was plucked to soon
You were that garden that filled up the whole room
#AFFCameroon Cohorte 8 : La contribution du Fact-checking pour la promotion de la démocratie et la transparence au Cameroun
Par Tchengang Tchiengue Donald Dans le monde, Il est estimé à plus de 70 % des personnes disposant d’une connexion internet et utilisant au moins une fois par jour, un […]
#AFFCameroon Cohort 8: The contribution of Fact-checking to the promotion of democracy and transparency in Cameroon
By Tchengang Tchiengue Donald Worldwide, it’s estimated that more than 70% of people with an internet connection use one or more social media sites at least once a day. This […]
Forum des Leaders de Médias 2023 , Déclaration des leaders des Medias
Le 28 Avril 2023 s’est tenu à Yaoundé (Cameroun) le Forum des Leaders de Médias 2023 sur le thème “Défendre la liberté d’expression et contrer le discours haineux : Trouver l’équilibre”
Media Leaders’ Declaration on Upholding #FreeSpeech and Countering #HateSpeech
The 2023 Media Leaders’ Forum was held in Yaounde, Cameroon, on 28 April 2023, bringing together more than 60 media leaders and stakeholders from different sectors. The theme of the […]
Media Leader’s Forum 2023 – Press Release
This April 28, Civic Watch Cameroon and _r0g / Agency For Open Culture and Critical Transformation in partnership with the @Rainforest Center for Policy Research, will host a one-day forum with media professionals aimed at analyzing challenges and opportunities related to defending free expression and combating hate speech in the media.
#Youth4Peace Video Challenge: Engaging Young Persons To Add Their Voices To Peace!
As part of activities celebrating the 2023 Youth Day, #defyhatenow engaged internet users to create and share video with messages of peace; three female winners emerged.
Engager les jeunes promoteurs de paix pour #UnCamerounSansHaine!
En février, nos priorités vont de la participation aux activités de la fête de la jeunesse à la sensibilisation des communautés à Yaoundé et Douala. cérémonie de présentation des vœux […]
Engaging Young Peacebuilders for a #HateFreeCameroon!
In February, our key focus of the month ranged from participating in Youth Day activities, to community outreach in Yaoundé and Douala. Happy New Year Mr Minister! As part of […]
Balbine MANGA on Women in Peacebuilding
#defyhatenow_Cameroon had a brief chat with Barrister Balbine MANGA on the role of women in peacebuilding, and we hope you are as smitten with her as we were. Read on….