Chapter 2: Social Media Use and Fact-Checking

Misinformation is rife online and has the potential to travel further, faster and sometimes deeper than the truth.  Chapter two deals with social media use and fact-checking, as even small […]

Chapitre 1: Les Médias sociaux et les conflits

Le premier chapitre, consacré aux réseaux sociaux et aux conflits, fournit une définition pratique du discours de haine, à savoir “des propos stigmatisant vis à vis d’une personne tierce en […]

#defyhatenow Field Guide in Pidgin English 

On the 8th and 9th of April,2022 members of the Association of Broadcasters in Pidgin English, a widely spoken local language in Cameroon, translated the #defyhatenow short guide (A1 Poster […]

#PenNotGun in Schools across Cameroon!

#defyhatenow Cameroon engages internet users at home and abroad on advocating for safe teaching/learning environment in our schools, especially in crisis hit North West & South West Regions of the […]

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