Ochaya Jackson: From Fellow to Trainer, Spearheading the Fight Against Disinformation in South Sudan

211 Check | May 2023 Ochaya Jackson Amos | Courtesy Photo Ochaya Jackson was admitted as a fellow for a previous 211 Check two-month in-person and intensive Fact-checking and Digital […]
#AFFCameroon 8e Cohorte :Renforcer les compétences des salles de rédaction et des plateformes de Réseaux Sociaux

Trente-et-un boursiers nouvellement sélectionnés se lancent dans une formation pratique de trois mois sur la vérification de l’information, les outils de recherche avancés et les programmes d’éducation aux médias.
National Symposium: Hate speech and violence in Cameroon

The Department Of Sociology Of The University Of Yaoundé I With The Technical Support Of The Cameroon Laboratory For Research On Contemporary Societies (Ceresc) In collaboration with Civic Watch, Country Implementation partner of #defyhatenow initiative in Cameroon is organizing a NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Theme: Hate speech and violence in Cameroon: Social origins, emerging forms and possible responses. From 10-12 May 2023, The University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon.
#AFFCameroon Welcomes 40 New Fellows!

Cohort 7 of our quarterly Africa Factchecking Fellowship groups journalists, bloggers and youth leaders based in the North West & South West Regions of Cameroon. CONTEXT & JUSTIFICATION For the […]
#AFFCameroon Cohort 6 Grand Nord Speciale phase 2

#defyhatenow is changing the narrative and gaining new grounds in her fight against the spread of false information and all forms of violence through the Africa Fact-checking Fellowship (AFF) Cameroon […]
#AFFCameroon: #defyhatenow Takes Anti Mis/disinformation Caravan To Northern Regions!

The sixth Cohort of our Africa Fact-checking Fellowship dubbed “Special Grand Nord” groups 15 fellows selected Fellows from Ngaoundere, Garoua & Maroua. 75! This is not an anniversary figure. Rather, […]
#defyhatenow South Sudan trains over 10 community ambassadors to counter rumours for peace in Juba

#defyhatenow South Sudan through its 211 Check project in partnership with Junub Open Space’s Hagiga Wahid supported by Code for Africa concluded a two-day workshop on rumour tracking and fact-checking […]
échange socio-éducatif sur la lutte contre la diffusion des discours haineux au Cameroun avec des jeunes du Wouri

Sans nul doute, on ne saurait omettre que la démocratisation des technologies du numérique s’est accompagnée de possibilités liées à l’accès à internet. Au début des années 2000 au Cameroun, […]