Translation service providers call in Ethiopia

Translation service providers  #defyhatenow Ethiopia, in partnership with Positive Peace Ethiopia, is looking for translation service providers.  The task will be to translate the  project’s social media hate speech mitigation […]

Community Outreach Coordinator – Ethiopia

We’re currently looking to fill the role of Community Outreach Coordinator for the #defyhatenow Ethiopia Project funded by the Delegation of the European Union to Ethiopia. The project works to mobilise civic and digital action to counter social media hate speech and online incitement to violence in Ethiopia with a focus on grassroots communities. 


The Letters of Peace #SelamLeEthiopia campaign seeks to collect heartfelt letters from individuals across Ethiopia and beyond, sharing their visions of peace, hope, and unity. Through the act of writing and sharing our stories, we aim to inspire positive change and foster a culture of peace and tolerance in our society.

Ahadu Andualem – #IWD2024

What happens when your childhood dream is to enter the medical field, but you also aspire to be a future leader and public speaker? If you’re Ahadu Andualem, you pursue […]

Ahlam Bogale – #IWD2024

“Everyone deserves equal opportunities to pursue their passions and achieve their goals, regardless of gender or background. Witnessing women face challenges in certain careers fuels my commitment to promoting inclusivity.” […]

Finding Strength Together: Women Heal and Empower at Mental Health Workshop

On December 30th, 2023, the AYA Hotel in Addis Ababa buzzed with energy as 73 women came together for a crucial workshop: Women’s Mental Health, Resilience and Trauma Healing. Defyhatenow Ethiopia, partnering with the SheLeads Initiative, created a safe space for women to discuss the toll of recent struggles, learn coping strategies, and build resilience.

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