Les réseaux sociaux : Un outil d’atténuation contre le discours de haine et la désinformation

#defyhatenow sera représenté lors de cette 2ème édition par Ngala-Desmond, Tchiengue-Donald et Mbong Vera qui partageront respectivement sur le rôle et l’impact des initiatives de lutte contre la #Désinformation et le #DiscoursDeHaine sur les médias sociaux, parler sur la compréhension des bases de l’intelligence économique dans un monde qui évolue rapidement et d’en parler sur ce que #deyhatenow fait dans sa contribution à la paix Cameroun.

The Mirror and I by Aklile Gezahegn

You were never the words that were spoken to you

You were never the slurs that were shoved at you

You were a flower that was plucked to soon

You were that garden that filled up the whole room

Les Discours by PenBoy

The tongue has no bone

But it is the strongest, sometimes the fiercest part of a human body.

From our communities to vast facebook, twitter and instagram streets,

Our tongues sting with hate;

Unconscious, sometimes conscious

Unverified, carelessly uttered words intended to divide, hurt or kill.

Press Release: National Symposium

The Department of Sociology of the University of Yaoundé I, in partnership with the #defyhatenow
Initiative implemented by Civic Watch and the Pan-African University, is organising a National
Symposium from 10 to 12 May 2023 on the theme: “Hate speech and violence in Cameroon: social
genesis, emerging forms and possible responses”

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