Peacebuilding & Social Cohesion: Imams Build Capacity for Community Outreach
Building on the success of the first training session in Bamenda, 40+ Imams from the conflict-torn North West & South West Regions of Cameroon will converge on Buea in August. […]
CFI Media & Development Forum: Global Response to Global Threats!
Over 300 delegates met in Paris, France for three days to discuss the Use of artificial intelligence, combating disinformation, climate change, and support for media outlets in exile… From 11 […]
CAMP @18: Leveraging Effective Cross Cultural Communication in countering Hatespeech
For the third consecutive year, #defyhatenow is engaging members of the Cameroon Association of Media Professionals on fostering #Media4Peace in response to current challenges. The Cameroon Association of Media Professionals […]
Ochaya Jackson: From Fellow to Trainer, Spearheading the Fight Against Disinformation in South Sudan
211 Check | May 2023 Ochaya Jackson Amos | Courtesy Photo Ochaya Jackson was admitted as a fellow for a previous 211 Check two-month in-person and intensive Fact-checking and Digital […]
Driving Community Change in Violent Environment. The Power of the Pen #PenNotGun
#defyhatenow and its partner Civic Watch are resolute in mobilising online/offline community action to jointly call for the drop of weapons (guns) and immediate end to attacks on students, teachers and school administration for a peaceful and #HateFreeCameroon.
#AFFCameroon Cohort 8: Enhancing Responsible Newsrooms & Social Media Platforms for a #HateFreeCameroon
Thirty-one newly selected Fellows embark on a three months long hands-on on information verification, advanced search tools and Media literacy programs.
#PeaceJam2023 : Le Cameroun se joint à la communauté mondiale pour célébrer la paix !
Un jamboree socioculturel et artistique sur place se tiendra à Yaoundé samedi, tandis que l’ensemble de la communauté #defyhatenow convergera en ligne le 18 juin pour l’événement virtuel annuel. Le […]
#PeaceJam2023: Cameroon Joins Global Community to Jam For Peace!
An onsite sociocultural and artistic jamboree to hold in Yaounde on Saturday, while the entire #defyhatenow Community will converge online on June 18 for the annual virtual event.
Press Release: National Symposium
The Department of Sociology of the University of Yaoundé I, in partnership with the #defyhatenow
Initiative implemented by Civic Watch and the Pan-African University, is organising a National
Symposium from 10 to 12 May 2023 on the theme: “Hate speech and violence in Cameroon: social
genesis, emerging forms and possible responses”
Communique De Presse: Colloque National
Le Département de Sociologie de l’Université de Yaoundé I, en partenariat avec l’Initiative #defyhatenow
Cameroon de l’Association Civic Watch a entrepris d’organiser du 10 au 12 mai 2023 un Colloque national
sur le thème : « Discours de haine et violences au Cameroun : genèses sociales, formes émergentes et
pistes de réponses »