Cultivating a Culture of Peace: An Empowering Initiative for a HateFreeAfrica

This initiative is all about raising awareness and fostering a culture of peace in Cameroon and across Africa. By bringing youth together to champion peace, the event will empower them and other individuals to take meaningful action in their own communities. Through this partnership, PAUGHSS and #defyhatenow are setting a powerful example of how collaboration and collective effort can create sustainable peace.


Tirer les leçons des expériences passées liées aux menaces numériques notamment la désinformation et les discours haineux qui pèsent sur les élections en Afrique et au Cameroun, afin d’élaborer des orientations stratégiques fondées sur des données probantes sur la manière de réagir plus efficacement lors des prochaines élections.


The multistakeholder meeting aims to draw lessons from past experience in identifying digital threats posed by mis-disinformation and hate speech to elections in Cameroon and Africa, in order to develop evidence-based strategic guidance on how to respond more effectively in future elections.

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