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Consultancy opportunity: Data Analyst & Report Writer

The main objective of this engagement is to develop a comprehensive report on the dis and
misinformation landscape in South Sudan, considering both online and offline mediums.

The report will provide a detailed analysis of the current situation, identify key actors and sources of disinformation, assess the impact of disinformation on South Sudanese society, and propose
strategies to counter disinformation effectively.

CIPESA, DefyHateNow Support Fact-Checking in South Sudan

Disinformation thrives in conflict situations and in the world’s youngest nation, South Sudan, years of political uncertainty have cultivated a severe information disorder. In the face of another postponement of elections, community peace […]

#ONEdefyhatenow Nairobi trip

In May 2022, #defyhatenow lead team members from Berlin, South Sudan, Cameroon and Kenya met in Nairobi for the first time since the project was initiated to create an amalgamated […]