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Dialogue & Action Workshop at, Hilton Yaoundé

On the heels of a concerted meeting with multi-stakeholders to brainstorm on the idea of setting up an observatory platform which will track, analyse and report #HateSpeech in Cameroon online and offline, held at Djeuga on 25th January, 2024.

Yesterday, the defyhatenow initiative through the Civic Watch Cameroon implementing partner convened these team and other stakeholders with support from the Union européenne au Cameroun under the auspices of the Minister of Communication H.E René Emmanuel Sadi for a synergized collaboration for an operational effectiveness of the platform. Our appreciations goes to the Minister for taking time out of his busy schedule to preside this event and to our bâtonnier Barrister Akere Muna for his inspiring keynote speech and the representative from the CNC Cameroun for his participation. We equally thank all our stakeholders and partners who came through, without you all this wouldn’t have been a success. THANK YOU ALL!!

@NgalaDesmond @Defyhatenowcountry Manager sets the stage as he calls out for synergy from all stakeholders; CSOs, community organisations, friends & partners of Cameroon to join efforts to curb the spread of #HateSpeech in our society.

This event is organized by #defyhatenow/ @civic_watch with support from @UEauCameroun under the patronage of H.E Emmanuel Rene Sadi @MincomCameroun

Adopting a holistic and multi stakeholder approach in countering #HateSpeech in the media and social media in Cameroon should be a collective action.




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