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Launch of #AFFCameroon Cohort 9, Session 1

Lancement de la 1e session de la Cohorte 9 de l’#AFFCameroon

#defyhatenow accueille aujourd’hui sa 9e cohorte de la Bourse Africa Fact-checking Fellowship pour un voyage de trois mois visant à leur fournir des outils de #Factchecking et des leçons pratiques sur les moyens d’atténuer les #DiscoursDeHaine et l’incitation à la violence en ligne et hors ligne. …

[English version below / French version below]👇

Launch of Session 1 of #AFFCameroon Cohort 9

#defyhatenow welcomes today its 9th cohort of the Africa Fact-checking Fellowship for a three-month journey aimed at providing them with #Factchecking tools and practical lessons on ways to mitigate #HateSpeech and incitement to violence online and offline.

The coordinator of the #AFFCameroon, Donald Tchiengue presents the internal details and gives an overview of what the scholarship is to the newcomers and he will follow them throughout the period of the scholarship.

Stay tuned as we keep you updated on what they learn along this journey.



