Translation service providers call in Ethiopia

Translation service providers  #defyhatenow Ethiopia, in partnership with Positive Peace Ethiopia, is looking for translation service providers.  The task will be to translate the  project’s social media hate speech mitigation […]

PeaceJam 2024 ( online conference)

This is a virtual conference dedicated to inspiring and educating young activists and change-makers about peacebuilding, human rights, and social justice. The conference will feature renowned speakers, workshops, and interactive […]

Needs Assessment Workshop – Dire dawa

Help navigate how to best adapt the approach, content, methodologies, and goals of the project Social media users in urban and rural Ethiopia, especially youth, women and marginalised groups/individuals counter […]

Hawassa Hatespeech Mitigation Workshop

A workshop targeting university students, social media influencers, and local youth in Hawassa, Sidama Region, focused on countering hate speech and promoting peace.

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