#PenNotGun in Schools across Cameroon!

#defyhatenow Cameroon engages internet users at home and abroad on advocating for safe teaching/learning environment in our schools, especially in crisis hit North West & South West Regions of the […]

Understanding Ethiopia’s Hate Speech Law, Protecting Freedom of Expression

On March 2020, the Ethiopian House of Peoples’ Representatives adopted the controversial Hate Speech and Disinformation Prevention and Suppression Proclamation No 1185/2020. The law emerged in the backdrop of a string of deadly inter-ethnic clashes across the country, which the government was quick to link to viral speech and disinformation disseminated through broadcasting, social and print media.

Social Media Health Report, December 15, 2020-January 15, 2021

This social media health report construes the monitoring conducted in the working days between the 15th of December 2020 through the 15th of January 2021. The Health Report is aimed at mainly assessing the key issues/grievances on social media, the overall dynamics of hate speech in the country, and what they mean for the socio-political development of Ethiopia.

November and December Social Media Campaigns

A report compiled by CARD Introduction This social media health report construes the monitoring conducted in the working days between the 15th of November through the 15th of December 2020. The […]

Social Media Health Report , November 2020

Introduction This social media health report construes the monitoring conducted in the working days between 1st to 15th of November 2020. The Health Report is aimed at mainly assessing the […]

Social Media Health Report, October 2020

Introduction This social media health report construes the monitoring conducted from 1st to 31st of October 2020. The Health Report is aimed at assessing mainly the key issues/grievances on social […]

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