#ASKotec Repair Café

Notre kit #ASKotec sera au cœur du #RepairCafé de demain avec les déplacés internes de la crise anglophone de Bonabéri 🇨🇲 En partenariat avec ActivSpaces & PEACE WATCH nous allons […]

#AFFCameroon Cohort 6 Grand Nord Speciale phase 2

#defyhatenow is changing the narrative and gaining new grounds in her fight against the spread of false information and all forms of violence through the Africa Fact-checking Fellowship (AFF) Cameroon […]

Chapter 6: Common Hate Speech Expressions in Cameroon

To successfully monitor and counter hate speech, specific terms and the social and political context that makes them offensive, inflammatory, or even potentially dangerous should first be identified. Chapter six […]

Chapter 5: Mental Health, Trauma, and Healing

Widespread conflict brings plenty of consequences, the impact on the mental health of the civilian population being one of the more significant ones. The importance of talking about mental health, […]

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