June 18, 2023 . 14:00Hrs – 16:00Hrs (GMT+1) . Online Event

The #PeaceJam is a key #defyhatenow milestone that we marked during the UN International Day of Peace on the 21st of September every year. We have since moved the #PeaceJam to the 18th of June, in line with the International Day of Countering Hate Speech, an initiative that builds on the UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech launched on 18 June 2019 to counter hate speech. We ‘jam’ for peace using improvised strategies to build peace based on the energy generated by their own creative expressions rather than relying on predetermined plans.
As we explore online safe spaces influencing digital security some points of discussion will be:
- Potential for echo chambers, misinformation/disinformation and malinformation.
- Promoting privacy and personal information
- Empowering marginalized communities and vulnerable groups

Get your Profile Frame!
- Log on to https://frames.defyhatenow.org/ ,
- Select your frame language
- Upload your image.
- Voilà! Download your peacejam2023 Frame and join the campaign!
Panel discussion moderator: Valerie Viban
Schedule Time: 14:00hrs – 16:00hrs Yaounde
/ 15:00hrs – 17:00hrs Berlin/Juba
/ 16:00hrs – 18:00hrs Addis/Nairobi.

Have you registered?
Register and secure your spot for the online #PeaceJam2023

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