A conversation with Ndi Nancy Saiboh
The #defyhatenow Cameroon initiative caught up with Ms. Ndi Nancy Saiboh about her work, here is our conversation;
Colloque National: Discours de haine et violences au Cameroun
Le département de sociologie de l’université de yaoundé i avec l’appui technique du laboratoire camerounais d’études et de recherches sur les sociétés contemporaines (ceresc) en collaboration avec #defyhatenow Cameroon organisent un colloque national sur le thème : discours de haine et violences au Cameroun : genèses sociales, formes émergentes et pistes de réponse. Du 10 au 12 Mai 2023, Université de Yaoundé I, Cameroun.
National Symposium: Hate speech and violence in Cameroon
The Department Of Sociology Of The University Of Yaoundé I With The Technical Support Of The Cameroon Laboratory For Research On Contemporary Societies (Ceresc) In collaboration with Civic Watch, Country Implementation partner of #defyhatenow initiative in Cameroon is organizing a NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM Theme: Hate speech and violence in Cameroon: Social origins, emerging forms and possible responses. From 10-12 May 2023, The University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon.
CIPESA, DefyHateNow Support Fact-Checking in South Sudan
Disinformation thrives in conflict situations and in the world’s youngest nation, South Sudan, years of political uncertainty have cultivated a severe information disorder. In the face of another postponement of elections, community peace […]
The radio a powerful medium for Building a #HateFreeCameroon
The first advancement in telecommunications was radio, the first wireless mode of communication. Radios send messages by radio waves instead of wires. German scientist Heinrich Hertz proved the existence of […]
Youth in Cameroon Create Strategies to Prevent Violent Extremism, Online and Offline
In early April 2019, #DefyHateNow held an engaging three-day workshop in Douala, Cameroon’s capital, with the support of UNESCO. The workshop brought together 60 participants who included youth leaders, political […]
Field Guide Cameroon 2.0: Equipping Peacebuilding Actors in the South West Region on Conflict Mitigation and Transformation
Designed for use ‘in the field’ and includes training materials and workshop resources, the #defyhatenow Social Media Hatespeech Mitigation Field Guide is designed to raise awareness, develop counter- narratives, and mitigate violence […]
Communiqué: Yaoundé accueille la première conférence de la Bourse pour la vérification des fait en #AFFCameroon
Plus de 100 Boursiers se joindront aux experts de renoms du 18 au 19 novembre, pour échanger sur des questions relatives à la promotion et la valorisation du factchecking au Cameroun. 115 […]
The #237footBERLIN calendar 2023
Featuring Cameroonian diaspora football clubs based in Berlin in an effort to identify and support the voices in these clubs that can help support peacebuilding efforts in Cameroon.
CIPESA, DefyHateNow Support Fact-Checking in South Sudan
This project demonstrates that collaborative efforts in knowledge and skills building can contribute to equipping people with the tools and resources to keep communities safe.