COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE: Communiqué de presse conjoint sur une discussion stratégique sur la promotion d’uneculture de paix au Cameroun et en Afrique, prévue à l’Université de Yaounde II – Soa
Build Peace 2024: Creating Community Technologies for Inclusive Peacebuilding
r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation in conjunction with local Manila ‘makers’ are leading the workshop: “BrailleRap: Creating Community Technologies for Inclusive Peacebuilding” on November 15, 2024.
The Cameroonian Diaspora as Vector of Peace and Counter-Hate Speech: A Possibility?
This Saturday, Nov 2nd, 2024, in Osnabrück, some Cameroonians living in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bremen and Lower Saxony will meet for a town hall meeting to reflect on the theme ‘The Cameroonian Diaspora Community as a possible conflict transformer and counter hatespeech actors’.
#Tech4Peace Cohort 1: Leveraging Technology For Empowering Peace Advocates
The #Tech4Peace project, organised by #defyhatenow, represents a transformative effort to harness technology for peacebuilding in Cameroon. By equipping a new generation of peace advocates with the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to address hate speech and foster social cohesion, this initiative is paving the way for a more peaceful future.
The #defyhatenow Creed: My Commitment to Peace
“The Power of the Tongue”I am a child of the universe I am the hope of AfricaI am Cameroon I am a wonder of art, a beautiful soul with no room for […]
PRESS RELEASE: Joint Press Statement on the International Day of Peace regarding the Urgent Need to Cultivate a Culture of Peace within Cameroonian and African Communities
Elections and Disinformation: #AFFCameroon Cohort 10 to champion Democracy and Transparency in Cameroon
The main objective of this 10th cohort is to improve understanding of the phenomenon of disinformation in real time, especially with the advent of artificial intelligence, in order to develop strategies to prevent people from adhering to conspiracy theories by defusing election-related fake news.
My Commitment to Peace Creed.
The purpose of My Commitment to Peace! Creed is to promote unity, understanding, and respect among people of different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs
Call for Applications – 10th Cohort, AFFCameroon – Africa Fact Checking Fellowship.
#defyhatenow is launching a call for applications for the 10th cohort for the next three months of September – October – November 2024, specifically for media professionals and community leaders. The aim is to create a critical mass of fact-checkers, information warriors, online and offline hate speech and digital rights defenders.
Amplifying Marginalized Voices for Inclusive Peacebuilding – Ethiopia Pre-PeaceJam2024 Festival.
This event aimed to create an inclusive space where marginalized voices were amplified, fostering dialogue, understanding, and actionable steps towards peacebuilding.