Call for Applications – 10th Cohort, AFFCameroon – Africa Fact Checking Fellowship.

#defyhatenow is launching a call for applications for the 10th cohort for the next three months of September – October – November 2024, specifically for media professionals and community leaders. The aim is to create a critical mass of fact-checkers, information warriors, online and offline hate speech and digital rights defenders.
« Le guide pratique appartient aux Camerounais dans leur ensemble et plus particulièrement aux amoureux de la paix »

Dr Kinang Derick Fai, chargé de la mise en œuvre du guide pratique, présente les ressources documentaires et guide les utilisateurs sur la manière de tirer le meilleur parti de son riche contenu.
“The Field Guide belongs to Cameroonians as a whole and most especially all lovers of peace.”

Dr Kinang Derick Fai, Field Guide Implementation Lead, introduces the resource materials and guides users on how to get the best out of its rich content.
DIASPORA DIALOGUES: Cameroon Youth at the crossroads of crisis, roles and perspectives of Cameroonian Diaspora youth.

We shall specially consider the special role of Cameroon based outside Cameroon; their perspectives on transforming the conflict in Cameroon and the particular roles young people play.
Les chauffeurs de taxi de Buea s’unissent contre les discours haineux dans le cadre d’une campagne innovante – Par Mbuh Stella

Par le biais de leurs syndicats, ils étaient à la tête d’un cortège, aux côtés des autorités administratives, municipales et traditionnelles, accompagnés d’amoureux de la paix et de sympathisants.
Buea Taxi Drivers Unite Against Hate Speech in Innovative Campaign – By Mbuh Stella

Through their Unions, they led the motorcade, alongside administrative, municipal and traditional authorities, accompanied by lovers of peace and well-wishers.
Fête de la Jeunesse 2024 : Engager la jeunesse camerounaise dans les processus de paix et le plaidoyer !

Pour marquer les célébrations de cette année, #defyhatenow organise des activités dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest, ainsi que dans les trois régions septentrionales du Cameroun.
#YouthDay2024: Engaging Cameroon Youth in Peace Processes & Advocacy!

To mark the celebrations this year, #defyhatenow is running activities in the North West and South West Regions, as well as the three northern regions of Cameroon.
CONCEPT NOTE: Workshop on the creation of a concerted multi-stakeholder framework to combat hate speech in the media and social media in Cameroon

To create a concerted framework between the actors and stakeholders interested in this issue. It aims to adopt a holistic approach and procedure for analysing and quantifying the phenomenon of online hate speech, improving understanding of its causes and dynamics, and encouraging the sharing of information and feedback between stakeholders.
#StopBapMop Caravan in Buea: Denouncing ALL forms of Hatespeech!

Civic Watch through the #defyhatenow initiative in Cameroon partners with the Member of Parliament for Buea Urban, Honourable Malomba Esembe, to co-organise a #StopBadMop campaign in Buea slated for Saturday January 6 at 9am.