Upholding Human Rights: Safeguarding Dignity and Freedom of Speech
Hate speech poses a serious threat to human rights, democracy and peace in Cameroon. It can fuel mistrust, resentment and hatred among different segments of society.
Empowering Cameroon: The Impact of the #defyhatenow Initiative in 2023
In recent years, the #defyhatenow initiative has emerged as a beacon of hope in the fight against hate speech and the promotion of peaceful dialogue in Cameroon. With its unwavering commitment to creating a #HateFreeCameroon, the initiative has achieved significant milestones in 2023.
Enquête Pour l’Amélioration De La Mise En Oeuvre De l’initiative #defyhatenow
Cela permettra non seulement de construire un solide pont de communication et de dialogue, mais contribuera certainement à rebâtir la paix et la cohésion sociale au sein de nos communautés.
Community Feedback For Better Implementation Of The #defyhatenow Initiative
We wish to hear from you because your voice matters in realizing a #hatefreecameroon.
#defyhatenow #ASKcamp Bamenda, 2023
The #ASKcamp – Access to Skills and Knowledge bootcamp is out to develop networks that sustainably connect people and address the challenges that their communities deal with in the face of conflict and instability.
“#AFFCameroon is our contribution to deconstruct false and negative perceptions”
Donald Tchiengue, Digital Projects Coordinator of #defyhatenow, in the following interview talks about the Africa Factchecking Fellowship, its success stories and prospects.
“#AFFCameroon est notre contribution à la déconstruction des perceptions fausses et négatives”
Donald Tchiengue, Coordinateur des projets numériques de #defyhatenow, dans l’interview qui suit, parle de la bourse ‘Africa Factchecking Fellowship’, de ses réussites et de ses perspectives. Pouvez-vous présenter la bourse […]
Social Media: Challenging Clichés and Stereotypes that Fuel Conflicts
Stereotypes and cliches are two frequent issues on social media that can harm both people and communities
Call for Applications: Conflict Sensitive Reporting Training.
This training program is designed to provide journalists and bloggers with the necessary skills and knowledge to report on conflict issues responsibly and ethically, while also promoting peace and dialogue within their communities.
The Dawn of AI and Efforts in Countering Disinformation through Fact Checking
The use of AI for hate speech regulation directly impacts freedom of expression, which raises concerns about the rule of law and in particular, notions of legality, legitimacy and proportionality. Relying on AI, even without human supervision, is a necessity when it comes to content that could never be ethically or legally justifiable, such as child abuse.