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Chapter 6: Common Hate Speech Expressions in Cameroon

To successfully monitor and counter hate speech, specific terms and the social and political context that makes them offensive, inflammatory, or even potentially dangerous should first be identified. Chapter six makes a list of common hate speech expressions in Cameroon. 

For example, “Francofou” translates into “Francophones are fools” and is a phrase used to attack anything Francophone or anything with an origin in the French-speaking regions. On the other hand, “Anglofou” is a term to belittle English speaking Cameroonians. Anglofous is French for “crazy Anglophones”. Another term with a negative connotation is “Les Bamenda, ” which denotes someone who is minimised, an underling, or a servant. Demeaning slang from that phrase is also used, such as “c’est mon Bamenda”, meaning “she is my idiot”, or “Je ne suis pas ton Bamenda,” french for “I am not your Bamenda” or “I am not your idiot.”

Throughout history, most conflicts have been preceded by a narrative where words are given special meaning and gravitas outside of their regular use, making them hateful. The chapter on Common Hate speech expressions in Cameroon is a living document that changes as new words are used, and others go into disuse.

To download chapter 6 please click here.

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