CAMP @18: Leveraging Effective Cross Cultural Communication in countering Hatespeech
For the third consecutive year, #defyhatenow is engaging members of the Cameroon Association of Media Professionals on fostering #Media4Peace in response to current challenges. The Cameroon Association of Media Professionals […]
Local Media Practitioner, Theophilous Ochang Andrew, Empowers Community on Digital Safety
211 Check | July 2023 Theophilous Ochang, Torit-based VoEES In South Sudan, like in many other parts of the world, Facebook account attacks and scams have become persistent issues for […]
Empowering Media Against Misinformation in South Sudan: Journalists’ Training Delivers Accuracy and Trust
211 Check | June 2023 Elizabeth Lodou | Courtesy Photo Elizabeth Lodou, an accomplished broadcast journalist and Reporter at The Radio Community, embarked on a transformative journey as she joined […]
Ochaya Jackson: From Fellow to Trainer, Spearheading the Fight Against Disinformation in South Sudan
211 Check | May 2023 Ochaya Jackson Amos | Courtesy Photo Ochaya Jackson was admitted as a fellow for a previous 211 Check two-month in-person and intensive Fact-checking and Digital […]
Uniting on Eradicating #HateSpeech Through Collective Efforts
Hate speech encourages a climate of violence and repression against marginalised groups, including legitimising the use of violence at their detriment. Those who publicly disseminate this vice, wish to present […]
Les réseaux sociaux : Un outil d’atténuation contre le discours de haine et la désinformation
#defyhatenow sera représenté lors de cette 2ème édition par Ngala-Desmond, Tchiengue-Donald et Mbong Vera qui partageront respectivement sur le rôle et l’impact des initiatives de lutte contre la #Désinformation et le #DiscoursDeHaine sur les médias sociaux, parler sur la compréhension des bases de l’intelligence économique dans un monde qui évolue rapidement et d’en parler sur ce que #deyhatenow fait dans sa contribution à la paix Cameroun.
Driving Community Change in Violent Environment. The Power of the Pen #PenNotGun
#defyhatenow and its partner Civic Watch are resolute in mobilising online/offline community action to jointly call for the drop of weapons (guns) and immediate end to attacks on students, teachers and school administration for a peaceful and #HateFreeCameroon.
Finance/Logistics Administrator
Listing Closed! Through a grant provided by the European Union, this conflict transformation collaboration is being enabled to keep the conversations going, develop resources, and support local activist peace-oriented media-based […]
Community Outreach, Mobilisation, and Training Associate, Ethiopia
We’re currently looking to fill the role of Community Outreach, Mobilisation, and Training Associate to be based in Addis- Ababa, Ethiopia, where we have an exciting project on mobilising civic and digital action to counter social media hate speech and online incitement to violence in Ethiopia
Project/Communications Coordinator, Ethiopia
We’re currently looking to fill the role of Project & Communications Coordinator to be based in Addis- Ababa, Ethiopia, where we have an exciting project on mobilising civic and digital action to counter social media hate speech and online incitement to violence in Ethiopia