CIPESA, DefyHateNow Support Fact-Checking in South Sudan

This project demonstrates that collaborative efforts in knowledge and skills building can contribute to equipping people with the tools and resources to keep communities safe.
Empowering Fact-checking in South Sudan (EFiSS) Training – Cohort 3

#defyhatenow South Sudan through its 211 Check project is inviting interested journalists, academics, and civil society representatives to apply to join the third cohort of its three-month virtual Empowering Fact-Checking […]
Rumour tracking trainees receive 50 smartphones

At least 50 stakeholders have received smartphones from #defyhatenow South Sudan after successfully completing a three-hour follow-up training on Social Media Rumour Management and Reporting on Tuesday in Juba. The […]
Over 50 participants turn up for Torit workshop

At least 60 participants have turned up for a two-day workshop held at Torit Vision Hotel in Eastern Equatoria State capital Torit from 07 – 08 June 2022. The first […]
Apply: CyberSmart 3 month paid fellowship

CyberSmart fellowship is a three months paid fellowship for fresh graduates and early career professionals in the field of ICT, Media, and Counselling/psychology. Fellows will undergo an intense three months […]