This Award belongs to the entire #defyhatenow community, supporting our peacebuilding efforts in Cameroon”

Ngala Desmond, Cameroon Country Project Manager, responding after presentation of the prize in Yaounde. Details below. #defyhatenow initiative gets it first recognition as a peace promotion organisation. As the Project […]
Uniting on Eradicating #HateSpeech Through Collective Efforts

Hate speech encourages a climate of violence and repression against marginalised groups, including legitimising the use of violence at their detriment. Those who publicly disseminate this vice, wish to present […]
Les réseaux sociaux : Un outil d’atténuation contre le discours de haine et la désinformation

#defyhatenow sera représenté lors de cette 2ème édition par Ngala-Desmond, Tchiengue-Donald et Mbong Vera qui partageront respectivement sur le rôle et l’impact des initiatives de lutte contre la #Désinformation et le #DiscoursDeHaine sur les médias sociaux, parler sur la compréhension des bases de l’intelligence économique dans un monde qui évolue rapidement et d’en parler sur ce que #deyhatenow fait dans sa contribution à la paix Cameroun.
The Mirror and I by Aklile Gezahegn

You were never the words that were spoken to you
You were never the slurs that were shoved at you
You were a flower that was plucked to soon
You were that garden that filled up the whole room
Les Discours by PenBoy

The tongue has no bone
But it is the strongest, sometimes the fiercest part of a human body.
From our communities to vast facebook, twitter and instagram streets,
Our tongues sting with hate;
Unconscious, sometimes conscious
Unverified, carelessly uttered words intended to divide, hurt or kill.
#PeaceJam2023 : Le Cameroun se joint à la communauté mondiale pour célébrer la paix !

Un jamboree socioculturel et artistique sur place se tiendra à Yaoundé samedi, tandis que l’ensemble de la communauté #defyhatenow convergera en ligne le 18 juin pour l’événement virtuel annuel. Le […]
#PeaceJam2023: Cameroon Joins Global Community to Jam For Peace!

An onsite sociocultural and artistic jamboree to hold in Yaounde on Saturday, while the entire #defyhatenow Community will converge online on June 18 for the annual virtual event.
Dossier de Presse – Media Leader’s Forum 2023

Les professionnels des médias ont un rôle impératif à jouer dans la promotion d’un journalisme responsable et éthique qui contribue à la cohésion sociale, au dialogue et à la paix.
Ce 28 avril, Civic Watch Cameroon et _r0g / Agency For Open Culture and Critical Transformation, en partenariat avec le Rainforest Center for Policy Research, organiseront un forum d’une journée avec des professionnels des médias visant à analyser les défis et les opportunités liés à la défense de la liberté d’expression et à la lutte contre les discours de haine dans les médias.
Media Leader’s Forum 2023 – Press Release

This April 28, Civic Watch Cameroon and _r0g / Agency For Open Culture and Critical Transformation in partnership with the @Rainforest Center for Policy Research, will host a one-day forum with media professionals aimed at analyzing challenges and opportunities related to defending free expression and combating hate speech in the media.
Celebrating the Woman in a Digital Inclusive World

For the 38th edition of International Women’s Day in Cameroon, generally marked by a series of activities all over the world and the Cameroon national territory. International Women’s Day (March […]