Africa Check Masterclass: Journalists & CSO Build Skills on Fatchecking
A total of 21 journalists from Yaounde, Bafoussam, Foumban and Douala were selected for the training in Yaounde on July 24-25, 2023. The session was organised by Africa’s first independent factchecking organisation, Africa Check with technical support from #defyhatenow, as member of Africa Facts Network. This collaboration falls in line with Africa Check’s leading role on the continent in building, developing and strengthening fact-checking organisations capacity by offering in-depth train-the-trainer programmes to strengthen African countries’ information ecosystems.
Peacebuilding & Social Cohesion: Imams Build Capacity for Community Outreach
Building on the success of the first training session in Bamenda, 40+ Imams from the conflict-torn North West & South West Regions of Cameroon will converge on Buea in August. […]
CFI Media & Development Forum: Global Response to Global Threats!
Over 300 delegates met in Paris, France for three days to discuss the Use of artificial intelligence, combating disinformation, climate change, and support for media outlets in exile… From 11 […]
CAMP @18: Leveraging Effective Cross Cultural Communication in countering Hatespeech
For the third consecutive year, #defyhatenow is engaging members of the Cameroon Association of Media Professionals on fostering #Media4Peace in response to current challenges. The Cameroon Association of Media Professionals […]
Uniting on Eradicating #HateSpeech Through Collective Efforts
Hate speech encourages a climate of violence and repression against marginalised groups, including legitimising the use of violence at their detriment. Those who publicly disseminate this vice, wish to present […]
Les réseaux sociaux : Un outil d’atténuation contre le discours de haine et la désinformation
#defyhatenow sera représenté lors de cette 2ème édition par Ngala-Desmond, Tchiengue-Donald et Mbong Vera qui partageront respectivement sur le rôle et l’impact des initiatives de lutte contre la #Désinformation et le #DiscoursDeHaine sur les médias sociaux, parler sur la compréhension des bases de l’intelligence économique dans un monde qui évolue rapidement et d’en parler sur ce que #deyhatenow fait dans sa contribution à la paix Cameroun.
Press Release: National Symposium
The Department of Sociology of the University of Yaoundé I, in partnership with the #defyhatenow
Initiative implemented by Civic Watch and the Pan-African University, is organising a National
Symposium from 10 to 12 May 2023 on the theme: “Hate speech and violence in Cameroon: social
genesis, emerging forms and possible responses”
Communique De Presse: Colloque National
Le Département de Sociologie de l’Université de Yaoundé I, en partenariat avec l’Initiative #defyhatenow
Cameroon de l’Association Civic Watch a entrepris d’organiser du 10 au 12 mai 2023 un Colloque national
sur le thème : « Discours de haine et violences au Cameroun : genèses sociales, formes émergentes et
pistes de réponses »
Forum des Leaders de Médias 2023 , Déclaration des leaders des Medias
Le 28 Avril 2023 s’est tenu à Yaoundé (Cameroun) le Forum des Leaders de Médias 2023 sur le thème “Défendre la liberté d’expression et contrer le discours haineux : Trouver l’équilibre”
Media Leaders’ Declaration on Upholding #FreeSpeech and Countering #HateSpeech
The 2023 Media Leaders’ Forum was held in Yaounde, Cameroon, on 28 April 2023, bringing together more than 60 media leaders and stakeholders from different sectors. The theme of the […]