PeaceJam 2024 ( online conference)

This is a virtual conference dedicated to inspiring and educating young activists and change-makers about peacebuilding, human rights, and social justice. The conference will feature renowned speakers, workshops, and interactive […]

#defyhatenow Bourse technique de construction de la paix (#Tech4Peace), cohorte 1

french tech4peace poster

La bourse #Tech4Peace vise à construire un réseau de bâtisseurs de paix techniques en permettant aux étudiants universitaires récemment diplômés et aux jeunes experts techniques de s’engager avec les communautés #defyhatenow grâce à des opportunités de sensibilisation communautaire technique dans les domaines de la conception, du développement technologique, de l’IA et de la création de contenu numérique, ainsi que du matériel. 

#defyhatenow Technical Peace-builder (Tech4Peace) Fellowship, cohort 1

Tech4Peace application poster. Application deadline is June 5th, 2024.

The #Tech4Peace fellowship aims to build a network of technical peace builders by enabling recently graduated university students and young technical experts to engage with #defyhatenow communities through technical community outreach opportunities in design, tech development, AI and digital content creation, and hardware.

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