PeaceJam 2024 ( online conference)
This is a virtual conference dedicated to inspiring and educating young activists and change-makers about peacebuilding, human rights, and social justice. The conference will feature renowned speakers, workshops, and interactive […]
#defyhatenow Bourse technique de construction de la paix (#Tech4Peace), cohorte 1
La bourse #Tech4Peace vise à construire un réseau de bâtisseurs de paix techniques en permettant aux étudiants universitaires récemment diplômés et aux jeunes experts techniques de s’engager avec les communautés #defyhatenow grâce à des opportunités de sensibilisation communautaire technique dans les domaines de la conception, du développement technologique, de l’IA et de la création de contenu numérique, ainsi que du matériel.
#defyhatenow Technical Peace-builder (Tech4Peace) Fellowship, cohort 1
The #Tech4Peace fellowship aims to build a network of technical peace builders by enabling recently graduated university students and young technical experts to engage with #defyhatenow communities through technical community outreach opportunities in design, tech development, AI and digital content creation, and hardware.
La lutte contre le discours de haine au Cameroun – La création d’un credo anti-discours de haine
Il sert de guide aux individus pour qu’ils utilisent leurs mots de manière positive et constructive. Nous pensons qu’en adoptant ce credo, nous pouvons créer une culture de tolérance et de compréhension au Cameroun.
Combating Hate Speech in Cameroon – The Creation of an Anti-Hate Speech Creed
The purpose of this creed is to promote unity, understanding, and respect among people of different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. It serves as a reminder that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely, but not at the expense of others
« A l’approche des élections, nous devons renforcer nos défenses contre la désinformation et les campagnes d’influence » – Ngala Desmond Ngala, Chef de projet pays #defyhatenow Cameroon
Il s’exprimait en marge de la Conférence ALL #AFFCameroon sur la lutte contre la désinformation en période électorale, organisée à Yaoundé les 27 & 28 mars 2024.
“As we approach elections, we must fortify our defences against disinformation and influence campaigns” – Ngala Desmond Ngala, Country Project Manager #defyhatenow Cameroon
He was speaking on the sidelines of the ALL #AFFCameroon Conference on countering disinformation during election period, organised in Yaounde on March 27 & 28, 2024
Celebrating the Woman in a Digital Inclusive World
For the 38th edition of International Women’s Day in Cameroon, generally marked by a series of activities all over the world and the Cameroon national territory. International Women’s Day (March […]
Engaging Young Peacebuilders for a #HateFreeCameroon!
In February, our key focus of the month ranged from participating in Youth Day activities, to community outreach in Yaoundé and Douala. Happy New Year Mr Minister! As part of […]
Field Guide Cameroon 2.0: Equipping Peacebuilding Actors in the South West Region on Conflict Mitigation and Transformation
Designed for use ‘in the field’ and includes training materials and workshop resources, the #defyhatenow Social Media Hatespeech Mitigation Field Guide is designed to raise awareness, develop counter- narratives, and […]