#ASKotec Repair Café
Notre kit #ASKotec sera au cœur du #RepairCafé de demain avec les déplacés internes de la crise anglophone de Bonabéri 🇨🇲 En partenariat avec ActivSpaces & PEACE WATCH nous allons […]
Outils d’atténuation des discours haineux – #defyhatenow Guide Pratique de lutte contre les discours haineux sur les réseaux sociaux
Outils de lutte contre les discours de haine – En ligne ou hors ligne, les discours de haine constituent aujourd’hui une réelle menace pour la paix, la promotion de la […]
Hate Speech Mitigation Tools – The #defyhatenow Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide
Whether online or offline, hate speech poses a threat to peace, democracy, and human rights. #defyhatenow is committed to countering the hate speech, conflict rhetoric, and incitement to violence spread […]
Press Breakfast: International Day for Countering Hate Speech
#defyhatenow Initiative through her implementing organization in Cameroon Civic Watch, in prelude to the inaugural #NoToHateDay2022 celebration, is mobilizing media professionals in Yaoundé for a Press breakfast on Friday, June […]
#AFFCameroon Cohort 6 Grand Nord Speciale phase 2
#defyhatenow is changing the narrative and gaining new grounds in her fight against the spread of false information and all forms of violence through the Africa Fact-checking Fellowship (AFF) Cameroon […]
Chapitre 6: Expressions courantes du discours haineux Cameroun
Pour réussir à surveiller et à contrer les discours de haine, il faut d’abord identifier les termes spécifiques et le contexte social et politique qui les rend offensants, incendiaires, voire […]
Chapter 6: Common Hate Speech Expressions in Cameroon
To successfully monitor and counter hate speech, specific terms and the social and political context that makes them offensive, inflammatory, or even potentially dangerous should first be identified. Chapter six […]
Chapter 5: Mental Health, Trauma, and Healing
Widespread conflict brings plenty of consequences, the impact on the mental health of the civilian population being one of the more significant ones. The importance of talking about mental health, […]
World Press Freedom Day 2022: “Journalism Under Digital Siege!”
#defyhatenow and Civic Watch engage media professionals & organisations in Cameroon in a series of hybrid activities to mark May 3, in Buea, Bamenda, Yaounde and Bafang. On May 3 […]
#AFFCameroon: #defyhatenow Takes Anti Mis/disinformation Caravan To Northern Regions!
The sixth Cohort of our Africa Fact-checking Fellowship dubbed “Special Grand Nord” groups 15 fellows selected Fellows from Ngaoundere, Garoua & Maroua. 75! This is not an anniversary figure. Rather, […]