In conjunction with the United Nations International Day for Countering Hate Speech, June 18th, the #defyhatenow #PeaceJam will amplify the the voices of individuals and communities traditionally excluded from peacebuilding conversations. The aim is to recognise the disproportionate burden of conflict and hate speech borne by marginalised groups and advocate for their inclusion in finding solutions.
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The Letters of Peace #SelamLeEthiopia campaign seeks to collect heartfelt letters from individuals across Ethiopia and beyond, sharing their visions of peace, hope, and unity. Through the act of writing and sharing our stories, we aim to inspire positive change and foster a culture of peace and tolerance in our society.
#defyhatenow Bourse technique de construction de la paix (#Tech4Peace), cohorte 1
La bourse #Tech4Peace vise à construire un réseau de bâtisseurs de paix techniques en permettant aux étudiants universitaires récemment diplômés et aux jeunes experts techniques de s’engager avec les communautés #defyhatenow grâce à des opportunités de sensibilisation communautaire technique dans les domaines de la conception, du développement technologique, de l’IA et de la création de contenu numérique, ainsi que du matériel.
#defyhatenow Technical Peace-builder (Tech4Peace) Fellowship, cohort 1
The #Tech4Peace fellowship aims to build a network of technical peace builders by enabling recently graduated university students and young technical experts to engage with #defyhatenow communities through technical community outreach opportunities in design, tech development, AI and digital content creation, and hardware.
La vie privée en ligne : une préoccupation majeure à l’ère du numérique
Avec l’essor constant des médias sociaux, des achats en ligne et de la communication numérique, nos informations personnelles sont plus vulnérables que jamais.
Online privacy: a major concern in today’s digital age
. With the constant rise of social media, online shopping, and digital communication, our personal information is more vulnerable than ever. It is important to understand the truth behind common myths and how to protect your personal information online. As we started this first series of the #CyberSmart webinar, we believe that this training will change many perceptions on the common myths and misconceptions that undermine our digital safety.
Training ofPeace Weavers for Civic Action in Cameroon 2024
In setting the agenda of public discourse by raising awareness on the issues of hate speech, responsible social media use and conflict reduction, Civic Watch believes in the key role […]
La lutte contre le discours de haine au Cameroun – La création d’un credo anti-discours de haine
Il sert de guide aux individus pour qu’ils utilisent leurs mots de manière positive et constructive. Nous pensons qu’en adoptant ce credo, nous pouvons créer une culture de tolérance et de compréhension au Cameroun.
Combating Hate Speech in Cameroon – The Creation of an Anti-Hate Speech Creed
The purpose of this creed is to promote unity, understanding, and respect among people of different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. It serves as a reminder that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely, but not at the expense of others
Rapport Final: Atelier sur la création d’un cadre concerté pluri-acteurs de lutte contre les discours de haine dans les médias et les réseaux sociaux au Cameroun.
Ce cadre vise à sensibiliser et à éduquer le grand public sur les défis posés par le discours de haine.