La lutte contre le discours de haine au Cameroun – La création d’un credo anti-discours de haine

Il sert de guide aux individus pour qu’ils utilisent leurs mots de manière positive et constructive. Nous pensons qu’en adoptant ce credo, nous pouvons créer une culture de tolérance et de compréhension au Cameroun.
Combating Hate Speech in Cameroon – The Creation of an Anti-Hate Speech Creed

The purpose of this creed is to promote unity, understanding, and respect among people of different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. It serves as a reminder that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely, but not at the expense of others
Chansiline Nanze – #IWD2024

Chansiline Nanze is a Cameroonian backpack journalist living with a mobility impairment. I touch a bit of everything that concerns journalists but my strength lies in sports and health reporting. […]
#peacejam2022 Annual Peace Jamboree is Here!

On September 21 every year, the global #defyhatenow community converges online to share perspectives on peacebuilding efforts carried out worldwide. #defyhatenow joins the international community today September 21, 2022 to […]
Empowering Fact-checking in South Sudan (EFiSS) Training – Cohort 3

#defyhatenow South Sudan through its 211 Check project is inviting interested journalists, academics, and civil society representatives to apply to join the third cohort of its three-month virtual Empowering Fact-Checking […]