CIPESA, DefyHateNow Support Fact-Checking in South Sudan
Disinformation thrives in conflict situations and in the world’s youngest nation, South Sudan, years of political uncertainty have cultivated a severe information disorder. In the face of another postponement of elections, community peace […]
The radio a powerful medium for Building a #HateFreeCameroon
The first advancement in telecommunications was radio, the first wireless mode of communication. Radios send messages by radio waves instead of wires. German scientist Heinrich Hertz proved the existence of […]
The #237footBERLIN calendar 2023
Featuring Cameroonian diaspora football clubs based in Berlin in an effort to identify and support the voices in these clubs that can help support peacebuilding efforts in Cameroon.
CIPESA, DefyHateNow Support Fact-Checking in South Sudan
This project demonstrates that collaborative efforts in knowledge and skills building can contribute to equipping people with the tools and resources to keep communities safe.
Field Guide Cameroon 2.0: Equipping Peacebuilding Actors in the South West Region on Conflict Mitigation and Transformation
Designed for use ‘in the field’ and includes training materials and workshop resources, the #defyhatenow Social Media Hatespeech Mitigation Field Guide is designed to raise awareness, develop counter- narratives, and […]
Guide Pratique Cameroun 2.0 : Équiper les acteurs de la consolidation de la paix dans la région du Sud-Ouest sur l’atténuation et la transformation des conflits
Conçu pour être utilisé “sur le terrain” et comprenant des supports de formation et des ressources pour les ateliers, le Guide Pratique #defyhatenow est conçu pour sensibiliser, développer des contre-récits […]
Troubled Soul
From my veins the blood flows Through my racing heart reminding I’m still here. Deep down I make a prayer The same I’ve been making all these years hoping to […]
Poem written and performed by Mumbi Poetry
Socials: Instagram @mumbipoetryTwitter: @mumbipoetryFacebook: Mumbi Spoken WordYoutube: Mumbi PoetryEmail: [email protected] The revolution will not be televised, the revolution will be on Instagram live.The revolution will be planned on mood boards, […]
#ONEdefyhatenow Nairobi trip
In May 2022, #defyhatenow lead team members from Berlin, South Sudan, Cameroon and Kenya met in Nairobi for the first time since the project was initiated to create an amalgamated […]
#peacejam2022 Rendez-vous annuel pour tous les amoureux de la paix
Le 21 septembre de chaque année, la communauté mondiale de #defyhatenow converge en ligne pour partager des perspectives sur les efforts de consolidation de la paix menés dans le monde […]