The #defyhatenow Creed: My Commitment to Peace
“The Power of the Tongue”I am a child of the universe I am the hope of AfricaI am Cameroon I am a wonder of art, a beautiful soul with no room for […]
Elections and Disinformation: #AFFCameroon Cohort 10 to champion Democracy and Transparency in Cameroon
The main objective of this 10th cohort is to improve understanding of the phenomenon of disinformation in real time, especially with the advent of artificial intelligence, in order to develop strategies to prevent people from adhering to conspiracy theories by defusing election-related fake news.
The Letters of Peace #SelamLeEthiopia campaign seeks to collect heartfelt letters from individuals across Ethiopia and beyond, sharing their visions of peace, hope, and unity. Through the act of writing and sharing our stories, we aim to inspire positive change and foster a culture of peace and tolerance in our society.
Documentary: Breaking the silence
An emotional and heart-wrenching documentary, that sheds light on the harrowing experience of hate and prejudice faced by a young girl, who now resiliently braves the odds to confront the darkness of hatred after being trained in the AFF Cameroon cohort 8.
Lawong Kendra Yaah – #IWD2024
Firstly, I believe that all women should have access to equal opportunities in education, employment, and political participation. Secondly, I believe that women’s voices should be heard and respected in decision-making processes at all levels, from the local to the global. Lastly, I believe that women should be free from violence and discrimination in all forms, and should be treated with respect and dignity.
Communiqué de presse: Civic Watch et le CNJC s’unissent pour renforcer la participation civique des jeunes dans les processus de la paix et la construction #UnCamerounSansHaine
“Je suis heureux et satisfait que nous puissions officialiser notre partenariat. C’est un pas dans la bonne direction pour un Cameroun sans haine. Félicitations à Civic Watch et au CNYC, c’est une victoire pour toute la jeunesse camerounaise “
Fête de la Jeunesse 2024 : Engager la jeunesse camerounaise dans les processus de paix et le plaidoyer !
Pour marquer les célébrations de cette année, #defyhatenow organise des activités dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest, ainsi que dans les trois régions septentrionales du Cameroun.
NOTE CONCEPTUELLE: Mobiliser les différentes parties prenantes autour d’une approche commune contre le discours de haine dans les médias grand public et les réseaux sociaux au Cameroun
Atelier de réflexion pour la mise en place d’un Observatoire
pluri-acteurs dédié à la lutte contre les discours de haine
dans les médias et réseaux sociaux au Cameroun
#StopBapMop Caravan in Buea: Denouncing ALL forms of Hatespeech!
Civic Watch through the #defyhatenow initiative in Cameroon partners with the Member of Parliament for Buea Urban, Honourable Malomba Esembe, to co-organise a #StopBadMop campaign in Buea slated for Saturday January 6 at 9am.
Arte in Cameroon; Social media, hate speech and Elections
Social media platforms are gaining more grounds in various parts of the world and Cameroon inclusive due to various factors. A good number of people who use them are youth […]