Les Discours by PenBoy

The tongue has no bone

But it is the strongest, sometimes the fiercest part of a human body.

From our communities to vast facebook, twitter and instagram streets,

Our tongues sting with hate;

Unconscious, sometimes conscious

Unverified, carelessly uttered words intended to divide, hurt or kill.

Press Release: National Symposium

The Department of Sociology of the University of Yaoundé I, in partnership with the #defyhatenow
Initiative implemented by Civic Watch and the Pan-African University, is organising a National
Symposium from 10 to 12 May 2023 on the theme: “Hate speech and violence in Cameroon: social
genesis, emerging forms and possible responses”

Communique De Presse: Colloque National

Le Département de Sociologie de l’Université de Yaoundé I, en partenariat avec l’Initiative #defyhatenow
Cameroon de l’Association Civic Watch a entrepris d’organiser du 10 au 12 mai 2023 un Colloque national
sur le thème : « Discours de haine et violences au Cameroun : genèses sociales, formes émergentes et
pistes de réponses »

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