Build Peace 2024: Creating Community Technologies for Inclusive Peacebuilding

r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation in conjunction with local Manila ‘makers’ are leading the workshop: “BrailleRap: Creating Community Technologies for Inclusive Peacebuilding” on November 15, 2024.
#Tech4Peace Cohort 1: Leveraging Technology For Empowering Peace Advocates

The #Tech4Peace project, organised by #defyhatenow, represents a transformative effort to harness technology for peacebuilding in Cameroon. By equipping a new generation of peace advocates with the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to address hate speech and foster social cohesion, this initiative is paving the way for a more peaceful future.
#defyhatenow Bourse technique de construction de la paix (#Tech4Peace), cohorte 1

La bourse #Tech4Peace vise à construire un réseau de bâtisseurs de paix techniques en permettant aux étudiants universitaires récemment diplômés et aux jeunes experts techniques de s’engager avec les communautés #defyhatenow grâce à des opportunités de sensibilisation communautaire technique dans les domaines de la conception, du développement technologique, de l’IA et de la création de contenu numérique, ainsi que du matériel.
#defyhatenow Technical Peace-builder (Tech4Peace) Fellowship, cohort 1

The #Tech4Peace fellowship aims to build a network of technical peace builders by enabling recently graduated university students and young technical experts to engage with #defyhatenow communities through technical community outreach opportunities in design, tech development, AI and digital content creation, and hardware.
La vie privée en ligne : une préoccupation majeure à l’ère du numérique

Avec l’essor constant des médias sociaux, des achats en ligne et de la communication numérique, nos informations personnelles sont plus vulnérables que jamais.
#defyhatenow #ASKcamp Bamenda, 2023

The #ASKcamp – Access to Skills and Knowledge bootcamp is out to develop networks that sustainably connect people and address the challenges that their communities deal with in the face of conflict and instability.
Celebrating the Woman in a Digital Inclusive World

For the 38th edition of International Women’s Day in Cameroon, generally marked by a series of activities all over the world and the Cameroon national territory. International Women’s Day (March […]
#Youth4Peace Video Challenge: Engaging Young Persons To Add Their Voices To Peace!

As part of activities celebrating the 2023 Youth Day, #defyhatenow engaged internet users to create and share video with messages of peace; three female winners emerged.
#ASKotec: The Mobile Open Tech Laboratory in a Box

Learning and making, Soldering, measuring voltage, clipping wires, calculating resistance, sketching concepts, checking circuits and building ideas are the possibilities that this open technology emergency case offers to trainers and […]
Conférence sur les approches inclusives de l’utilisation des technologies pour la consolidation de la Paix au Cameroun – Africa Business Center (Yaoundé)

Les 14 et 15 juillet 2022, l’Association Civic Watch, porteur du projet #defyhatenow au Cameroun, organise une session de réflexion consultative avec des acteurs clés de la tech à l’Africa […]