Martha Lingong: “Women should occupy any space that is ‘occupiable’.”
To celebrate International Women’s Day, we asked Martha Lingong, founder of the African Industrious Ladies in Cameroon, to tell us their thoughts on women’s rights and peace building. Here is […]
Hauwa Abdullahi: Standing for the Rights of Muslim Women.
Hauwa Abdullahi is a teacher by profession and a human rights activist who keeps fighting all the odds in her Muslim community to protect the rights and dignity of women. […]
Mise au Point de février 2022, #defyhatenow_Cameroon
Le mois de la Jeunesse au Cameroun a été une occasion renouvelée pour nos équipes et nos partenaires de s’engager auprès des communautés jeunes pour davantage sensibiliser sur les enjeux […]
#PenNotGun in Schools across Cameroon!
#defyhatenow Cameroon engages internet users at home and abroad on advocating for safe teaching/learning environment in our schools, especially in crisis hit North West & South West Regions of the […]