Outils d’atténuation des discours haineux – #defyhatenow Guide Pratique de lutte contre les discours haineux sur les réseaux sociaux

Outils de lutte contre les discours de haine – En ligne ou hors ligne, les discours de haine constituent aujourd’hui une réelle menace pour la paix, la promotion de la […]
Hate Speech Mitigation Tools – The #defyhatenow Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide

Whether online or offline, hate speech poses a threat to peace, democracy, and human rights. #defyhatenow is committed to countering the hate speech, conflict rhetoric, and incitement to violence spread […]
Chapter 5: Mental Health, Trauma, and Healing

Widespread conflict brings plenty of consequences, the impact on the mental health of the civilian population being one of the more significant ones. The importance of talking about mental health, […]
Apply: CyberSmart 3 month paid fellowship

CyberSmart fellowship is a three months paid fellowship for fresh graduates and early career professionals in the field of ICT, Media, and Counselling/psychology. Fellows will undergo an intense three months […]
Chapter 3: Peace-building through Art and Technology

Chapter three explores peacebuilding through art and technology, looking at how art and tech skills can be used to spread peace. Artivism combines the words “art” and “activism” and defines […]
Chapter 2: Social Media Use and Fact-Checking

Misinformation is rife online and has the potential to travel further, faster and sometimes deeper than the truth. Chapter two deals with social media use and fact-checking, as even small […]
Hate Speech mitigation tools _The #defyhatenow Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation Field Guide

Whether online or offline, hate speech poses a threat to peace, democracy, and human rights. #defyhatenow is committed to countering the hate speech, conflict rhetoric, and incitement to violence spread […]
Mise au Point de février 2022, #defyhatenow_Cameroon

Le mois de la Jeunesse au Cameroun a été une occasion renouvelée pour nos équipes et nos partenaires de s’engager auprès des communautés jeunes pour davantage sensibiliser sur les enjeux […]