#Tech4Peace Cohort 1: Leveraging Technology For Empowering Peace Advocates

The #Tech4Peace project, organised by #defyhatenow, represents a transformative effort to harness technology for peacebuilding in Cameroon. By equipping a new generation of peace advocates with the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to address hate speech and foster social cohesion, this initiative is paving the way for a more peaceful future.
#defyhatenow Bourse technique de construction de la paix (#Tech4Peace), cohorte 1

La bourse #Tech4Peace vise à construire un réseau de bâtisseurs de paix techniques en permettant aux étudiants universitaires récemment diplômés et aux jeunes experts techniques de s’engager avec les communautés #defyhatenow grâce à des opportunités de sensibilisation communautaire technique dans les domaines de la conception, du développement technologique, de l’IA et de la création de contenu numérique, ainsi que du matériel.
#defyhatenow Technical Peace-builder (Tech4Peace) Fellowship, cohort 1

The #Tech4Peace fellowship aims to build a network of technical peace builders by enabling recently graduated university students and young technical experts to engage with #defyhatenow communities through technical community outreach opportunities in design, tech development, AI and digital content creation, and hardware.
La vie privée en ligne : une préoccupation majeure à l’ère du numérique

Avec l’essor constant des médias sociaux, des achats en ligne et de la communication numérique, nos informations personnelles sont plus vulnérables que jamais.
Online privacy: a major concern in today’s digital age

. With the constant rise of social media, online shopping, and digital communication, our personal information is more vulnerable than ever. It is important to understand the truth behind common myths and how to protect your personal information online. As we started this first series of the #CyberSmart webinar, we believe that this training will change many perceptions on the common myths and misconceptions that undermine our digital safety.
« A l’approche des élections, nous devons renforcer nos défenses contre la désinformation et les campagnes d’influence » – Ngala Desmond Ngala, Chef de projet pays #defyhatenow Cameroon

Il s’exprimait en marge de la Conférence ALL #AFFCameroon sur la lutte contre la désinformation en période électorale, organisée à Yaoundé les 27 & 28 mars 2024.
“As we approach elections, we must fortify our defences against disinformation and influence campaigns” – Ngala Desmond Ngala, Country Project Manager #defyhatenow Cameroon

He was speaking on the sidelines of the ALL #AFFCameroon Conference on countering disinformation during election period, organised in Yaounde on March 27 & 28, 2024
Documentary: Breaking the silence

An emotional and heart-wrenching documentary, that sheds light on the harrowing experience of hate and prejudice faced by a young girl, who now resiliently braves the odds to confront the darkness of hatred after being trained in the AFF Cameroon cohort 8.
« Le guide pratique appartient aux Camerounais dans leur ensemble et plus particulièrement aux amoureux de la paix »

Dr Kinang Derick Fai, chargé de la mise en œuvre du guide pratique, présente les ressources documentaires et guide les utilisateurs sur la manière de tirer le meilleur parti de son riche contenu.
“The Field Guide belongs to Cameroonians as a whole and most especially all lovers of peace.”

Dr Kinang Derick Fai, Field Guide Implementation Lead, introduces the resource materials and guides users on how to get the best out of its rich content.