From my veins the blood flows
Through my racing heart reminding I’m still here.
Deep down I make a prayer
The same I’ve been making all these years
hoping to wake up to days of no blood
The same my mother made watching her son give his last breathe.
The one my forefathers made watching them seize their brothers to the land they knew nothing of
We heard, they were maimed and chained and killed…memories disturbing
We heard, sharks tailed slave ships crossing the Atlantic ocean feeding on bodies thrown overboard
We heard mother’s were forced to kill their babies so they don’t grow to that same pain
We heard the next decade wasn’t better.
And here we are
A long journey of trying to heal broken pieces
Yet we are recycling the wrongs and giving them new names.
Once slaves begging to be free
And then the ruled hoping to outgrow
But when it came our time to lead,
We took all things we said we hate and created the very monster we tried to kill
Loose tongues sending others to graves
Fast fingers sending messages of pain…
Mindless acts,
Careless souls
Where is your love?
It’s no longer a game of black and white but these chains we’ve chosen to embrace.
Chains aren’t rusted metals hung around your hands
They aren’t metal bars with thundering eyes, a commanding voice telling you when to eat cuz that’s the only meal you’ll get…
Chains aren’t a lash to your back asking you to work even when it feels your next breathe will be last
These chains are you choosing to not see the evil your heart begets
It’s you giving others names and watching them crumble in pain for no reason except that you both share different names
It’s you turning a deaf ear to the cries next door
Erecting walls where people try to crush
Giving room for evil and war to thrive
When a single word or action could turn all things around
Why hug these chains?
My heart bleeds
My soul wonders
As I hope to see a smile without lines of pain forcing themselves within.
I hope to see people punch thier phones without fearing the next sad news to bring
To see children walk down the streets without picking bullets their way down this place
To help these little ones make childhood memories without trails of hate, and pain, and blood and death.
I am a thirsty throat for a world without division
The bleeding pen crying for a new day
I am a child of light shunning darkness and all that comes with it
I am the voice of peace
Breaking these walls ego made of us
Rebuilding the strength buried in our blood
I am a voice on mission
A messenger to your soul
Hoping you give life and peace another chance
The world needs peace
Peace needs you!
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NyanghaS
Nyangha Sandy (09/2022)